Super Bowl 44 Ad Review
Here are my reviews of the ads shown on Super Bowl 44. This is a 5-star rating system that I use on my Twitter feed to quickly review the ads after I have viewed them in real time. The '5' stars category is ranked, while the remaining categories are listed in reverse-viewing order (1Q ads are at the bottom.)
5 Stars: Unforgettable/Distinguishes Brand
- Google "Paris"
- VW "Color Game"
- Denny's "Scream"
- Snickers “Betty White”
- Doritos "Tim"
- Dove for Men
- Bud "Human Bridge"
- Bud Light "Plane Crash"
- etrade "Wolf style"
- Big Bang Theory "Interstitial"
- CBS Cares
4 Stars: Unexpected/Strengthens Brand
- Denny’s “Birthday”
- Hyundai “Quality”
- Audi "Green Police"
- Vizio
- Benz 2010 E Coupe
- NFL "Liftoff"
- KGB "Translation"
- Home Away "Vacation"
- Honda "Everyone knows someone"
- Dodge Charger
- Monster "Fiddling"
- Doritios "Keep your hands"
- Doritos "You gotta speak"
3 Stars: Memorable/Builds Brand
- Bud Light "Book club"
- Honda "Squirrel"
- Budweiser "Fences"
- Miller High Life
- Motorola "Megan Fox"
- carmax "Dramatically smart"
- Intel "Core"
- FloTV "No Spine"
- Dr. Pepper "A Little Kiss"
- Teleflora
- Career Builder "Casual Friday"
- Bridgestone "Bachelor party"
- Coke "Simpsons"
2 Stars: Expected/Confirms Brand
- Chevy “Award”
- eTrade "First class"
- Taco Bell "NBA $5"
- Walgreens "Gift advisor"
- Bud Select
- Coke “Bolero:
- PapaJohns
- CBS Late Night
- Bud Light “Asteroid”
- Boost Mobile Superbowl Shuffle
- Hyundai “Musical Sonata”
- Focus on the Family "Tebow"
1 Star: Derivative/ Lessens Brand
- US Cellular
- FloTV "No time out"
- Pace salsa (too late in game)
- Emerald Nuts
- Kia "Toys"
- Denny's "Get to work early"
- FloTV "My Generation"
- Universal "Harry Potter"
- Hyundai "Virtual Favre"
- Dockers
- Bud Light "Vocorder"
- Doritos "Casket"
- Bud Light "House"
0 Stars: Embarrassment/ Disgraces Brand
- Dante's Inferno
- GoDaddy “Newscasters”
- GoDaddy "Massage"
- US Census "Mockumentary"
Labels: 2010, ads, super bowl, twitter